The best moment to meet our most beloved ones and eat outdoors in coming. Well into spring and waiting for the summer to come is time to barbecue and spread as much The Tapas Sauces’ Mojo Picón sauce as we can.
Barbecuing is not an easy task, as those diners who wait anxiously their food may think. That is why there are a thousnd tips to success and be the king of barbecues.
Here we will uncover the best kept secrets and how to avoid the more common unexpected events:

1. How many people will come to the barbecue?
Maybe we do not know the exact quantity of meat per guest, so we will estimate 350-400 grams of meat per person including starters (chorizos, bacon, chicken wings) and different meats for the main course.
A proposal of a barbecue for 10 people: 4 kg of meat, 2 kg of chorizos, chistorra (long, spicy pork sausage), black puddings, bacon and 2 kg of lean meat such as beef loin, T-bone steaks or burgers.
2. The best embers
Though we can explain how to make them, the perfect embers are achieved mixing patience, distance and time. That is, we are looking for those ambers that have spent some time in the barbecue and have a cloudy or grayish color.
Regarding the grill, it has to have a appropriate distance from the embers and the right time in order the meat to be cooked to perfection. Otherwisw, the meat would be burnt outside and raw inside.
3. The best wood or source of heat
It is not the same to barbecue using branches, canes, oak wood or coal. All of them have a different calorific value and therefore the embers they leave will be different.
Barbecues made with branches or vine shoots are the most delicious. But they are also the most difficult since it is necessary to be incorporating branches all the time. Coal is the most secure, due to the embers it leaves are strong and constant.
4. Cooking the meat
A good piece of advice is to take the meat out of the fridge one hour before cooking and leave it at room temperature. This way the pieces start to sweat. It is also possible to season it with herbs as thyme or rosemary before grilling it.
5. The order of roasting and how to make the grill
Place the pieces in those areas where the barbecue has a less intense heat to cook them.
Another tip: leave the pieces be calmly cooked and do not turn them over constantly.
The advisable order is from smaller to bigger pieces. For example, you should start grilling chorizos, bacon and black pudding. After them, little steaks, chicken wings or brochettes. And finally those pieces that need more time and can be roasted while dines enjoy the starters.
6. Salt and spices
It is a common mistake to salt meat before grilling. It is preferable to do it once tje pieces are cooked because they will jeep a softer texture and the guest will season it to taste.
Other condiments as black pepper, garlic powder or aromatic herbs are always welcome.
7. Sauces
In order to intensify the meat flavor, meat can be brushed during the roast with sauces from Montealbor. Anyway, sauces such as Ketchup, mojo picón or sevillana can be used after cooking the meat.